Quickly Sell Your Home Above Asking Price With This Low-Cost Upgrade

5 min read

I’m going to let you in on a little secret: upgrading your home’s value doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. In fact, you’ve already done the hardest part—deciding to take action. The journey from listing to sold can seem daunting, but remember, it’s not your fault if it feels that way. The real estate world is full of complex decisions, but with this small upgrade, selling your home at a fantastic price isn’t far away.

Remember, the key is not to get bogged down in the details. Instead, think about the bigger picture. “You deserve someone who listens, who hears the stories woven into your walls,” This approach doesn’t just apply to finding the right real estate agent—it’s also about them understanding what makes your home special and highlighting those features.Cornelius Gamble: Luxury Listing Agent in Henry County and Savannah, GA

We’ve all heard that kitchens and bathrooms are places within a home you should zero in for upgrades. Several home upgrade shows on TV push the narrative that to sell fast, you need to spend thousands of dollars on these upgrades, ranging from $20k to $80k depending on your square footage and taste. But there’s a problem with that: your taste in cabinetry, appliances, and sinks, may not be the taste of someone else who may be interested in buying your home.

Adding a fire pit, lawn furniture, and well-placed plantings can wow potential buyers before they step into your home.

Landscaping Seals The Deal

I’ve worked with remodelers for years, and people who flip homes for a living in Atlanta and Henry County, GA, understand that landscaping gets home buyers to fall in love with their homes, site on scene.

Landscaping with a bed of flowers, manicured trees and bushes, power-washed driveways, and touch-up paint around windows and doors can cost a small fraction of the cost of an upgraded kitchen or bathroom.

A seasoned real estate agent knows to concentrate on the least expensive upgrades before considering more expensive ones.

Don’t Gamble With Expensive Upgrades

Flooring is the first thing I notice when I walk into a home, but if the lawn looks like it needs work, making excuses for the seller’s landscaping before I do an indoor walkthrough with my client isn’t going to be feasible.

Curving stone path through drought tolerant perennial border leading into small space backyard patio with and seating in Georgia native plant garden

Upgrading your kitchen is a big gamble. It’s a great selling point for me, but the future homeowner often sees potential in making changes to the cabinets and tabletops that reflect their own tastes.

If you spend $30k or more upgrading a kitchen and/or bathroom, you may be cutting your margins down to a slim profit. The real estate market is in a flux right now. If more real estate becomes available within the housing market soon, which may happen because of the home-building frenzy we are seeing now, you may find yourself upside down on your investment.

This backyard stone fireplace and stonework cost less than the owners’ first idea of renovating their kitchen.

Upgrade The Feedback

If you want to make changes to the kitchen, upgrade the appliances. A beautiful refrigerator and stove are pretty much all you need. Let the new homeowner take out a second mortgage to upgrade the kitchen cabinets when they move in.

It’s not your fault if the process seems complex, but with the right steps, your agent can turn your home into the hottest property on the market. This outcome you want isn’t far away. By letting your agent focus on strategic improvements, you can unlock your home’s potential and see it reflected in your final sale price.Cornelius Gamble: Luxury Listing Agent in Henry County and Savannah, GA

Let me add one more piece of advice. Start with the golden rule: Invest on the outside first, then put your home on the market at your asking price and get feedback. Let your real estate agent know you are interested in feedback from potential buyers. Only upgrade what is often mentioned. You’ll sell your home much faster with a fatter profit margin.

So, take a deep breath. You’ve already done the hardest part. Now it’s time to make those small changes that lead to big rewards. Remember, selling your home isn’t just about putting up a “For Sale” sign—it’s about unlocking a new chapter in your life. And with the right approach, that chapter is going to be a bestseller.

Cornelius Gamble https://dot.cards/corneliusgamble

Cornelius Gamble is a dedicated luxury listing agent in Henry County and Savannah, GA, specializing in providing bespoke concierge services in Atlanta and Savannah, Georgia. With a focus on delivering an elevated client experience, Cornelius goes beyond traditional real estate services, offering personalized assistance tailored to the unique needs of high-end property sellers. His expertise in the luxury market and commitment to excellence ensure that every detail is meticulously handled, making the selling process seamless and stress-free. Trust Cornelius to manage your luxury property transactions with the utmost professionalism and care.

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  1. 1
    Ken Hathberger

    This makes more sense! I did spend way too much remodeling a kitchen thinking it will attract buyers at the price point I wanted them to consider. Funny thing is, once I unloaded the home, I’ve only made 6k more than what I paid for it and the new owner changed all the cabinets and changed the sink.

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