Sometimes entrepreneurs are molded by their experiences in life. It’s not always wished for, but one must stay sane in one’s surroundings. Amy S. Horne understands why she chose to be a private practice therapist as well as a manager in her son’s modeling and acting career.

When asked about her journey, Amy has a direct response. “I feel that my experiences make me the perfect therapist because I’ve lived through abuse, spouse addictions, military life, one horrible divorce and death, as well as a somewhat friendly divorce”. I think my family was speechless at that moment because no one said anything. So I took their doubt and shoved it where it belonged.”
When we requested an interview with Amy, she was honest and open about her struggles and triumphs as an entrepreneur who picked up the pieces and forged a life of giving to her patients and family.
What motivated you into starting a private practice and becoming a manager in your son’s career? – When I was married to a Military officer(Cole’s Dad), I was asked to talk with soldiers and their families as a family readiness leader, and I kept dealing with suicidal soldiers and helping with marriages. My ex-husband’s Lt. Colonel said I should become a licensed therapist because he felt I had a gift. So I went back to school with two young boys (Cole’s brother Cory is 8 years older) and continued that journey through a divorce, double breast surgery, shoulder surgery, and lots of late-night studying while working full time.
Cole became a Model and started Acting classes with Scott David, I realized I needed to learn the ropes as a Momager quickly to make good decisions for his career. The juggling began and the balancing act had been difficult at times running my practice and running the roads with Cole.
What did you find difficult about getting started? – The hardest part about starting my business and helping Cole with his, was the courage to do it! The fear of failure is real, with the voices of others speaking doubt and putting their fears into me. My courage had to be bigger than those fears of failure. I had a family member who once said to me, “I think you’re going into the wrong field, how can you help marriages when you’ve divorced twice?” I thought for a minute and responded, “when drugs and alcohol became my first husband’s bondage, I couldn’t protect my son and myself from his impulsive spending, gambling, intoxicated anger with emotional, verbal, and physical abuse. While I loved him, he refused to work on his addictions and protecting me and Cory had to be my priority.
My second husband came home from deployment and decided he never loved me the way he should have and left when Cole was 5 but we remained friends. My current husband has always been my best friend and he encouraged me through my practicums, internships, and to go from clinical mental health to open my own Psychotherapy private practice and I’ve been thriving ever sense!
When Cole began his career, I got similar familial doubt constantly but with the help of designers and directors like the owners of Avenue X, Bena Klier Bouler (House of LaRue designer) and her husband Julius Bouler (CheqMate designer), who both took us under their wings to teach us the business and how to navigate intelligently in the modeling world.
Designer Venancio Tadeo became like family, then we began working with these insanely talented photographers, Eugene Manning, Michael Todd Burton, Greg Bailey, Murphy photography, Marlon Griffith, Galen Draper, Bobbie Bryant and so many more amazing photographers, I can’t name them all! Charlotte has some incredible talent!
There are 3 main stumbling blocks for entrepreneurs: funding, partnerships, and motivation. Which one was lacking or the most challenging for you? – FINANCES we’re the hardest part!!! I had THE BEST mentors and special people helping us navigate, both for my business and Cole’s. I was never lacking motivation for either. My husband, Will was so helpful with my company start-up, helping me figure out finances, marketing, and how to get it started. I literally needed faith to leap into it, not knowing if I could get enough patients to stay afloat financially. Getting on Psychology Today helped me the most, with getting patients. Paying thousands of dollars per year for continuing education courses and licensing fees.
Aren’t you afraid of competition in both of your pursuits? – No! I strongly believe what is meant for me will be mine and what is meant for you will be yours. No one is competing against each other, we are competing against ourselves. Take Acting, a movie role character is in the mind of the writers and directors. Then the chemistry between actors is important also. Cole was chosen by Author EJ Dales to portray John BarFly in his book series Forbidden Shadows because Cole fit that character in look and personality. It was meant for him. No one else will get what is meant for you.
What differences are you making in your therapy practice? – I’m taking insurance, which decreases my income significantly but helps patients afford therapy. Mental health doesn’t pay as well as medical, yet most medical issues would decrease if more people got mental help because most ailments stem from mental health affecting the body and mind. I’ve educated, licensed, and credentialed myself in many interventions and therapeutic techniques to have the ability to work with most mental health needs. I do lots of trauma work. My husband says I have the alphabet behind my name. I do EMDR, TF-CBT, CBT, Gottman couples therapy, NET, and many other intervention techniques.
Would you rather be bigger or faster in your profession? – Bigger for my private practice and how many I can reach. I would love to grow into a group practice. I want to be faster for Cole’s career so that I can trust in his ability to grow and succeed on his own. Faster for my oldest son, so he can transition from military to civilian life with stable finances and a career, the same as his baby brother Cole. I need to know they’re good.
Everyone feels like giving up at some point to find a “regular job”. What kept you going when you hit that wall and what did the wall look like? – I hit so many financial and emotional walls that had me wanting to throw in the towel! Every time I thought about giving up, I remembered those I’d helped so I wouldn’t quit. The suicidal soldiers that have moved on to amazing lives with spouses and children, marriages that have thrived, and psychosis that stabilized. This kept me going.
Anything you would like to add? – I love life and I want everyone to learn how to find joy! I want those struggling with suicidal thoughts to know, the difficult times are momentary and will pass, so stop focusing on the bad and start focusing on what CAN be done in that moment. 988 is the mental health emergency number and it’s available 24/7. Love yourself first, it’s not selfish.
Great article. Amy has always cared for others , especially young teens. She’s a great Mom and daughter. She keeps working for her dreams and helps her boys do the same. Dreams become ideas that turn into fulfillment in your life, but it takes courage, faith, and hard work. That’s the combination Amy applies to her life. I am very proud of my daughter. I thank you for giving her the opportunity to share her thoughts and achievements.